Monday, June 29, 2009

The EBT Awards.....

What did you expect? i was dissapointed...nuff said...this was my highlight of the night...

Thursday, June 25, 2009

What did he say??

kinda funny...look at his face...smh...look at the reaction of the black people in the back

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A Picture is Worth 1000 Words

Beyonce...A Big Smile....Hambuger Helper...Nappy Roots....


Tisha Campbell: Push

All i can think about is when Biggie was on Martin and Gina was "Saaangin in tha backgroound"...Push....

Jasmine Guy: Try me

Whitley tried to be a singer.....

Second suspect taken in 'Lizard Man' witness death

South Carolina police have a second suspect in custody in last week's shooting death of the man who became famous in 1988 as the first to report a sighting of the legendary Lizard Man.

The Item of Sumter reported Tuesday that 22-year-old Anogory Santrell Slater of Rembert turned himself in to Sumter County sheriff's deputies in last week's shooting death of 37-year-old Christopher Davis.

Nineteen-year-old Lakiem Davar Butler of Camden turned himself in Monday.

Officials say Davis was shot to death in his home in an apparent drug-related incident.

Davis became an international celebrity at age of 16 when he reported the first sighting of the legendary Lizard Man, a big-eyed swamp creature. Authorities never figured out what prompted the reports.

Sad....Since this was a drug related murder...does that mean he was high when he saw the lizard man? link to lizard man story :

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

OBSESSED PART TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


David's Shouting School - The Awakening

lol...i personal favorite, "duke the devil", he be after me....

Friday, June 19, 2009

After that last post.....

i thought i change the mood...throwback friday

Prince: Partyman

Prince - Party man
Vezi mai multe video din Muzica

Dont't act like ya'll didn't like this song and video....
sidebar....Prince really could dance

Tony! Toni! Tone!: It Feels Good

....I was in the fifth grade...jammin....shout out to my big brother
I wasnt gonna comment in this post cuz i dont want god to pull my internet history when i try to get into heaven, and tell me to” get my ass away from the gate!” Im gonna download the bible app on my Samsung Behold and pray he lets this slide.

*walks in…sees the screenshot…walks right the hell back out forever*

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

ATL Celebs Celebrate Tupac’s Birthday

only because i wanted ya'll to see lil scrappy and his momma......and the "tupac" cake

This Divorce About To Get Real Interesting....

Through his divorce attorneys Usher has demanded Tameka relinquish, “any and all diaries or personal notes kept during the course of the marriage, tax files, paycheck stubs, bank account information and other financial records, insurance policies, real-estate rental agreements, medical records and automobile registrations. He is also seeking copies of, “notes, cards, letters, photographs, film, documents, tapes, voice recordings, gifts, jewelry, clothes or other evidence that reflects on Usher’s conduct during their marriage, as well as detective reports, photos or recordings that have resulted from either “surveillance or investigation” of him.

WTF? "surveillance or investigation",turn over diaries and personal notes.... what secrets usher trying to hide?



Sen Diane Black’s (R-Gallatin) legislative aid circulates racist email

Sen Diane Black’s (R-Gallatin) legislative aid circulates racist emailby Christian Grantham - 12:32 pm - June 15th, 2009
Newscoma posted details of a racist email sent from Sherri Goforth, legislative aid for Sen. Diane Black (R-Gallatin). The email depicts the Presidents of the United States with President Barack Obama as a pair of eyes in a black background.
I spoke with Sherri Goforth minutes ago to confirm she sent this email. She confirmed she had sent it and also said she had received a letter of reprimand from her superiors but said she will stay on the job.
When I asked her if she understood the controversial nature of the photo, Goforth would only say she felt very bad about accidentally sending it to the wrong list. When I gave her a second chance to address the controversial nature of the email, she again repeated that she only felt bad about sending it to the wrong list of people.
“I went on the wrong email and I inadvertently hit the wrong button,” Goforth told NIT. “I’m very sick about it, and it’s one of those things I can’t change or take back.”
See....that tha ish i'm talking about...smdh

Ashanti, Tichina Arnold, Orlando Jones and Others in "The Wiz"

Look at Ashanti's "raw emotion" out Beyonce

FYI...In the last pic thats Dawm Lewis (Julissa from Diffrent World and Hangin with Mr. Cooper) glad to see she still gettin a check.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Hmmm....What do you think?

So Fantasia just took some new pics....what do you think: upgrade or not?
click on the pic for a better view

...Fantasia got a hard ass jawline....i still luve her tho

Remember when etta james said "Beyonce gon get her ass whupped?"

I just wanted a reason to post this picture......

Wash. man sentenced for having sex with dogs

CHEHALIS, Wash. -A Washington state man has been sentenced to 30 days in jail for having sex with his two dogs.
Troy Whitson entered an Alford plea Monday in Lewis County Superior Court, meaning he admitted no wrongdoing but acknowledged he'd likely be convicted.
The 21-year-old from the town of Cinebar (SI'-ne-bahr) is restricted from owning animals for two years.
His malamutes have been placed with new owners.
Prosecutor Michael Golden said Whitson is a member of a group known as Furries who identify with animals and dress the part in makeup, ears and tail.
Golden says Furries gather for social events but having sex with animals is not part of their normal behavior. He says two of Whitson's Furry friends witnessed the animal sex and turned him in.

okay.... are they gonna mike vick his ass...i doubt it.....
this is what a malamute looks like by the way

Nivea and Lauren London Both Pregnant by Lil Wayne?

I've been hesitant to post this because i don't know how true it is but what tha hell...
According to the blogosphere rumor mill, actress Lauren London and R&B singer Nivea are pregnant. Good news, right? Well, the plot thickens. It looks like both ladies are pregnant by rap star Lil Wayne. The Grammy Award-winning rapper became a father for the second time eight months ago when a mystery Cincinnati woman gave birth to Wayne's first son. He also has a 10-year-old daughter, Reginae, with ex-wife Antonia "Toya" Carter.

In addition to the pregnancy buzz, Wayne and Nivea are rumored to be getting married in the next few months. Nivea, who had a hit back in 2002 with her song 'Don't Mess With My Man,' is no stranger to celebrity matrimony. Nivea and producer-turned-performer The Dream tied the knot in 2005. The pair, who have three children together, filed for divorce just two years later. The Dream has since moved on and is engaged to singer Christina Milian.

....damn the gremlin, i mean lil wayne, been gettin it in....


I cant.....

There's so many things wrong with this video.....

Damn, she got a deep ass voice...

Is that a man.....she look lika man( in my miss swan voice)

Oh Really?

It was recently said that i must be some kind of Geisha stan or something because i'm always posting her on my blog....I am. After this video you will be too...

Why won't you let Geisha be great?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

My day has been made..

2 words...New, Geisha,.....
press play and bless you ears...

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Monday, June 8, 2009


Ever wonder how the rich and famous do when they go out......a peek into Geisha's world.........

Don't you want to be there?


The Final Destination trailer in HD


Monday, June 1, 2009

One of Jennifer's Big Mouth Friends

confirmed one of the worst kept secrets in the music word, that Jennifer Hudson and David Otunga are having a baby. Jenny's pal, singer/actress Felicia Fields told the Chicago Tribune, “It was a baby shower, a quiet gathering of friends and mostly family. They’re really trying to keep it kind of quiet.”

*look at that picture....."

Lebron James on Why He Didn't Congratulate Anyone After the Cavs Lost

"It's hard for me to congratulate somebody after you just lose to them," he said. "I'm a winner. It's not being a poor sport or anything like that. If somebody beats you up, you're not going to congratulate them. That doesn't make sense to me. I'm a competitor. That's what I do. It doesn't make sense for me to go over and shake somebody's hand."

*Don't be a sore loser "king" James*


*This is ........just make sure you here hear from 1:25 to the end...classic*
can somebody say "new ringtone"


i'm tryin to "get to the moneey" why giesha.....