CHEHALIS, Wash. -A Washington state man has been sentenced to 30 days in jail for having sex with his two dogs.
Troy Whitson entered an Alford plea Monday in Lewis County Superior Court, meaning he admitted no wrongdoing but acknowledged he'd likely be convicted.
The 21-year-old from the town of Cinebar (SI'-ne-bahr) is restricted from owning animals for two years.
His malamutes have been placed with new owners.
Prosecutor Michael Golden said Whitson is a member of a group known as Furries who identify with animals and dress the part in makeup, ears and tail.
Golden says Furries gather for social events but having sex with animals is not part of their normal behavior. He says two of Whitson's Furry friends witnessed the animal sex and turned him in.
okay.... are they gonna mike vick his ass...i doubt it.....
this is what a malamute looks like by the way

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