Thursday, July 9, 2009

Man Dies in Vat of Chocolate

A 29-year old man fell into a vat of melted chocolate this morning and died.

The temporary worker, whose name has not yet been released, fell into the vat after a blade used to mix raw chocolate hit him. The accident occured when the worker was loading chocolate into the vat where it is melted and mixed, before being shipped out to produce candy.

The Camden Police Department confirmed the death just before 11 a.m. Prosecutor's spokesman Jason Laughlin says a co-worker attempted to shut off the machine while two workers tried to pull the victim from the 8-foot-deep vat.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has been notified of the incident at 701 North 36th Street.

Camden is located in New Jersey across the Delaware River from Philadelphia.

That Sucks.

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