Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Got To Get That Street Cred Back Up

A day or two after being dropped by T.I. and Grand Hustle for being a DEA informant, rapper Alfamega was arrested after a traffic stop turned up a stolen gun. The story gets pretty wild after that. The police reports claim Alfalfa got combative after they found the gun in his car, so they pepper sprayed him. Al ran away at that point and the cops chased him into a nearby parking garage and popped him a few times their batons. Didn't stop him. Your boy continued to run and even jumped over the parking garage rail 25 to 30 feet to the ground. Needless to say he didn't make it. Cops scooped him up off the ground and booked him on fleeing and eluding, resisting arrest and felon in possession of firearms charges. Al spent three days in jail before bonding out.
FYI: While the picture above is of Alfamega being arrested, it's not from the night in question. That picture was from Alfa being arrested at the Dirty Awards last November

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