Thursday, May 14, 2009

Woman Discovers $271,366 Extra in Her Bank Account

Bellevue, Washington (KOMO) -- Imagine going to the ATM machine and discovering you have more money in your account than you can imagine. It happened to a single mom in Washington after she found more than a quarter of a million dollars in her account.
Behind in rent and facing eviction, struggling single mom Lynita Regis couldn't believe her eyes when she went to the ATM. It said her balance was $271,366.01.
She checked her bank balance again, and each time the balance balooned, more money than she'd ever earned or seen."271 (thousand), 275 (thousand), 278 (thousand)," she said.Relatives fostered the fantasy of what life could be and her son even asked her to keep the money.
She felt the temptation. "It could change my life. I would love to keep the money," she said.
She started mentally spending the cash on a new car, bills, and even on her friends. "It's a struggle, we're human but a child of God and gotta do the right thing even though I have nothing," Regis said.It turns out, the money belongs to King County. Regis once worked at the jail in that county, a job that apparently had signee privleges she didn't know she had. When a teller issued her a new debit card last week, the system mistakenly gave her access to the adult detention center account.
Regis has since gotten a new card and is now back where she began. "Broke but I feel relieved... but broke," she said.Regis says someday she'll have to pay the piper but she didn't want to do it with stolen money.

How honest of her.....I would have done the same thing......SIKE!!!! Can somebody say SHOPPING SPREE!!!!

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